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We can help you reach the goals you’ve set for
your privacy compliance program through
innovative consulting projects led by one of
the world’s foremost experts in
privacy risk management.
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All in Miscellany
I've tinkered with an old recipe to create a drink for one of my favorite Podcasts.
A friend of mine took me to see Leslie Jordan's one-man show today, and it was a riot.
Somebody has been spamming out emails containing the text of an article I wrote. If you received the spam, please know it wasn't me.
I noticed a huge new spike in traffic... thanks to Yahoo listing me as a "Notable Site".
It turns out that two species of octopuses can run on two of their legs like a person.
Temporarily sidelined by the flu, here's some stuff to keep you entertained.
Welcome to my new blog! I write a lot, but haven't ever gathered it all together in one place. Will it be worth the effort? We'll see!