I chose to launch this web site on Election Day, November 2, 2004. The way I figure it, this is likely to be an auspicious day, no matter how it turns out. So what better day to begin a new web site where I'll from time to time talk about the renewal and rehabilitation of Liberalism as a core American value!As I sit at my desk monitoring every web site, television, and radio outlet that I can find, I'm trying to answer a simple question: Am I the only one this anxious?I get the feeling that I'm not.All the polls say that Americans believe this is the most important election in many decades, and the early turn-out numbers suggest it is indeed going to be huge. This is a good sign that people do still care, despite lots of evidence to the contrary.Naturally, given the title of this site, I'm hoping that today will be the beginning of a new regime in Washington. It may well take John Kerry an entire 8 years in office to undo the damage done by President Bush and his minions. It is my fervent hope that this web site will become a venue for the dissection and deconstruction of the Bush Administration's aftermath, as we try to reclaim the liberal programs that have made this country great.I invite you to visit this site regularly, provide feedback through the comments mechanism, and spread the word that we are embarking on a new liberal resurgence in America.The right-wing would have you believe that their values have made America what it is today. But nothing could be further from the truth. It's time to recognize that liberal values, liberal ideas, and liberal policies have created the strong America on which we all depend.The right-wing was born on third base and thinks it hit a triple. They forget, ignore, or simply reject, the reality of what it took to build the strong foundation that has helped make this country strong.So it will be the focus of this web site to help remind everyone that it was our liberal values that made America great, often despite right-wing efforts to the contrary. Oddly enough, when you start looking at the liberal policies and programs that people believe are at the core of what makes our American way of life so valuable, you begin to realize that this so-called "conservative" country is made up of people who believe strongly in liberal values.It's the purpose of this web site to remind all Americans that no matter what the right says, we are now and always have been... a Liberal Nation.
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