Goodbye Habeas, Hello Responsys

Word has already gotten out -- in no small part due to my screwing up on LinkedIn -- so I might as well post about it: August 1 was my last day at Habeas, and August 11 was my first day at Responsys. (The official announcement will be coming soon, so act surprised please!)I will be serving in the role of Director of Privacy and Industry Relations. This is similar to what I was doing at Habeas, so all of those folks with whom I have interacted in the industry will probably see me doing all the same sorts of things, just wearing a different brand of hat.To some of my colleagues at Habeas, my departure came as something of a surprise. I actually gave two weeks notice, but Des asked me to keep my impending departure confidential until my last day so as to not add further confusion or speculation to the internal office atmosphere during the pre-merger due diligence phase. So I had to forgo the lavish, tearful going-away party that I'm certain would have otherwise been scheduled. ;-)While I am very much looking forward to my new opportunity, I do have some regret that I won't be around to share in the excitement and adventure of merging Habeas and Return Path. I have known many of the folks at RP for many years and they're a good group of people. I'm sorry I won't have the chance to work directly with them -- and to continue working with all of the great folks at Habeas. However, over at Responsys, we will still be travelling in all of the same circles and I look forward to seeing some of you at various industry events, conferences, etc., going forward.Excelsior!

Column List Updated

Habeas + ReturnPath = TBD