My partner, Justin, learned today that his employer, Yahoo!, had issued blogging guidelines. So he blogged about it! Then, in his "Drunk with Freedom" posting, he proceeded to blog about all sorts of other dirty little secrets at the Big Y... like the gawd-awful purple potatoes that Yahoo! serves in their cafeteria.Anyway, for those who are interested in reading the guidelines, which were written with the assistance of some of Yahoo!'s most prolific bloggers, I think they're a model for any company who actually trusts that its employees are rational, mature, and reasonable people.Unlike, say, Google... whose policy seems to be: "Don't get caught or we'll show you the door."To see why Yahoo! should rightly be proud of its bloggers, after you read Justin's, you should check out Russ Beattie's comments on the new blogging policy, which he helped to write. And while you're there, bookmark both of their blogs because they're both great reads!
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