ChoicePoint Helping the FBI and Other News
On tonight's David Lawrence Show, I talked about the recent Freedom of Information Act request by the Electronic Privacy Information Center which uncovered a sales pitch to the FBI by embattled data broker ChoicePoint. I also talked about tomorrow's arguments in the US Supreme Court in MGM v. Grokster and the rising use of vehicle "black box" recorders.I also made my Podcasting Debut -- my 'coming out' if you will -- on David's Podcast for tonight. It's a free download, only 9mb, and just a few minutes long, so listen in!Meanwhile on the ChoicePoint issue, I traded some email today with CNET's Matt Hines who wrote about ChoicePoint and the FBI in his Security News.Blog:
Despite ChoicePoint's claim of innocence, some privacy experts said they would not be surprised that the company, which has experienced a string of high-profile consumer data losses, would entertain such an approach to marketing itself to the FBI and others. In fact, Ray Everett-Church, an attorney who runs his own consulting company, PrivacyClue, said that ChoicePoint likely knew that the FBI might find such information particularly compelling.
Check out Matt's blog entry for my very sassy commentary! ;-)